Thursday, December 10, 2009

sesuatu untuk d share..

stumble upon blog farah adlina..
her post yg nie catch my eyes to continue my reading..
agak interesting...good job farah,suke bace...

so,sy sugest kamu semua agar membaca article dy..
post dy psl hipokrit...
kte semua kan slalu jer menyampah ngn org hipokrit kn?
cube tnye diri kte,pnh x kte jd hipokrit?
nape kte jadi hipokrit?

kite slalu kata ssorg tu hipokrit ble dy berbuat kebaikan,ble dy berubah
dari yg yg xbrapa elok kpd yg lebih baik..actually ble keadaan ni happen,from my opinion la an,kte senanye jelous dy berbuat baik sedangn kte masih di takuk yg lama...xpernah cuba utk berubah kpd yg lebi baik..

hipokritKAH kite bile kite berubah jadi baik yg pd asalnye kita
bukanlah seperti itu? Indeed,that the first obstacle we should face for tuk
jadi better mu'min..

renung2kan lah...

click here to read her post


  1. salam noona!!!!
    drop to say hi!
    its been too long since we contacted each other rite??gomen2..
    dop call or mesej..
    tapi ingat,lam hati still terukir nama noona tersayang!!!

  2. sipokrit biler kita xmau berubah kerana takut utk orang berkata kepada kita ni hipokrit,,
    berbelit ayat

  3. izni : hehehe lame dh comment nie..ore br smpt reply..gomenai~..mekashih..u too my beloved chingu izni syg~!

    akif : hehe..berbelit2 ka? ayat ku sentisa begitu.. =P


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