Monday, August 29, 2011

Special to all single ladies and men

hehe, while waiting for tokey satey delivering my order, I stumble upon this motivating article posted by uknkown. Hope you enjoy it sweetie :)

here we go~~

I’ve never asked God to give me a specific person. “Please let me marry so and so.” No matter how much I’ve wanted to at times. No. I’ve always prayed that God grant me someone who I love only for His sake, and someone who loves me only for His sake. It’s hard. It’s really, really hard biting back the name of the person you think is right for you. Somebody may seem so, so, perfect on the outside, but only God knows what is in a person’s heart. He knows you best, and He will give you somebody better than you could have picked out for yourself.

Keep making Dua about being blessed with someone who is the BEST for you, and see what He does. He knows what we want, but He also knows what we need. Our sight may be limited, but His is infinite. Investing in God will never leave you poor. In fact, it’s when a human being gives up control and realizes that NOTHING is in his hands, that the true spirit comes out. God has already chosen the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. Nothing you do, or don’t do, will change that. Instead, God has created barriers and obstacles in the path of meeting that person that are there to test how we react. Are we patient, or do we start to fret and worry when something doesn’t go our way?

Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum


How are you guys? Sorry for the lack updates.
So many things bumping me recently and hopefully I can gain something from it..hopefully :)

So, Ramadhan has left us,
We belong to Allah and to Allah do we return.
Oh Allah give us strength and steadfastness in this hardship and bring Ramadhan
back to us in years to come.
Whoever was worshipping Ramadan should know that Ramadan has passed away.
And whoever worships Allah should know that He is eternally living. ♥

The Companions of Allah’s Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam used to say to each other when they met on ‘Eid:

Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum (تقبل الله منا ومنكم), which means may Allah accept from us and you [our fasts and deeds]

Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr, Fath Al-Bari, grades this narration’s chain of transmission hasan and cites it from AlMahamiliyyat.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sweet la this married couple!

Seorang Isteri bertanya kepada suaminya, “Apakah saat paling bahagia didalam hidup abang? “

Suaminya memandang muka isteri dan berkata ” Saat itu belum terjadi lagi.. "

Si Isteri terdiam sejenak.

Kemudian dia bertanya lagi, “Dan bila saat itu akan terjadi?”

Suaminya berkata : “Saat itu adalah hari dimana awak membuka pintu dan berkata kepada saya ‘Abang, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh’ didalam rumah kita di Syurga..”

Semoga bermanfaat

article amek dari sini


Bagaimana puasa? Lancar tak? Panas tak? Dahaga tak?
okelah, selamat beribadah guys!

Ramadhan hanya satu bulan je setahun, tahun depan belum tentu masih ada jodoh ngan Ramadhan. Jadi apakah erti/makna/maksud Ramadhan tuk korang? Bayangkan birthday kite, Hari Merdeka, Hari Raya semua event tu bukan sokmo2 kite raikan op? Jadi begitu juga Ramadhan. Bulan yang penuh keberkatan, bulan yang istimewa, bulan tuk tambahkan amal ibadah dan semoga ibadah yang dilakukan dalam bulan Ramadhan merupakan satu platform untuk terus istiqomah dengan amalan-amalan terebut, insha'Allah khair...

Sebenar-benarnya post kali ni nop kabo yang saya baru je reti wat 'google chrome theme'.  and kepada sesape yang bekenan leh la kenyit-kenyit mata kat saya *haha*

then, tadddaaa....

oke, this is my first attempt
too much pink!

oke, this is for second time,
there have a bit black colour, not too much pink but still pink! arrgghhh
me also love green, so i put a bit green colour there
*you can see it cuz I forgot what people call for it haha*

Monday, August 1, 2011

Niat Puasa Ramadhan

Lafaz niat untuk sebulan puasa


Sahaja aku berpuasa keseluruhan bulan Ramadhan kerana Allah Ta”ala

Lafaz niat puasa (harian)


Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari menunaikan Fardhu Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Ta’ala

Doa Berbuka Puasa


Ya Allah bagi Engkau aku berpuasa dan dengan Engkau beriman aku dengan rezeki Engkau aku berbuka dengan rahmat Engkau wahai yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang.

Doa Selepas Berbuka Puasa


Ya Allah! Kerana Engkau aku berbuka puasa dan kepada Engkau aku beriman dan atas rezeki dari Engkau aku berbuka puasa telah hilang dahaga sudah menjadi basah segala urat. Ya Allah! Aku minta diampuni dosaku dengan rahmat Engkau yang meliputi segala sesuatu.

love ; selamat menyambut Ramadhan Kareem. Agar Ramadhan kali ini adalah yang paling bermakna dan paling berkualiti ibadahnya insha'Allah khair.

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