Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tak Kenal Memang Takkan Cinta

Salam minna-san [style ezne,haha]
ari jumaat lepas g jenjalan pcb,,agak lame jugak diri ini xmenziarahi tempat
yg ku slalu kunjungi itu..rumah hikmah-chan! tp hikmah xdop pum,dy duk uia..
br je kaki mencecah pasir pantai [tron dr kete la nieyh..haha],,bunyi tapok kaki kudo~

tetibe je memori Flicka menyantap qolbu...

best jugaklah cite ni..hehe ni sinopsis dy

A young woman pins her hopes and dreams on a maverick horse in this drama based on the classic novel by Mary O'Hara. Katy (Alison_Lohman) is the teenage daughter of a horse rancher (Tim McGraw) who is grooming his son to take over the family business, while Katy is sent to an exclusive private school where she feels like a misfit. One day, while out riding, Katy finds a wild horse, a beautiful black mustang, and she feels an emotional connection with the animal. While her father is convinced having a mustang around his herd will be bad for both his thoroughbred ponies and the wild horse, Katy is certain she can break the strong-willed steed and make him a champion, and she even gives the horse a name -- Flicka. As Katy struggles to tame the headstrong Flicka, she also tries to prove to her father that she knows horses as well as he does, and that she's every bit as capable of running the ranch as her brother.

best je tgk gmba Katy nek kuda kt kwsn gunung2 bebas je..nyaman...segar..kalaula bleh
pg tempat gituh kan best =P

ok dah...habes suda angan2 duk kt pantai dah.. =P

pastuh cari2 tmpat nk bentang tikar...
lame duduk situ bru pasan,
family kt belakang family daku tuh cam ade sesuatu yg pelik jer..
skodeng punye skodeng...haha...dy pero monyet lah
monyet kecik lagi...paka baju kaler ijau..kecik jer~~

my first impression
eeiii monyet! ku xminat monyet..
hehe daku xnyukai in monyet sbb tengok2 lam citer monyet2 sumer nakal..suke curi brg
esp dlm citer Pirates of Carribean, monyet name Jack tuh..nakal2 nk cubit2 asee..hahaha

Tapi ble tengok ramai bdk2 g maen2 ngn monyet
tu ase cam intrested la pulak..
tanpa ku sadari,diri ini sudah pun mendekati monyet kecik itu..hahaha

tnye pakcik tu selaku tuan empunye monyet kiup itu,upe2nye monyet tu br je 4bulan
tgk baju cam pakai gown jer....tapi jantan la..haha
comel jer, memula tu mmg gerun gk..tapi lame2 dy maen2 panjat2, gigit2 manja..
alahai kiupnye~~<3>bobop ternyata membuka hatiku menyukai kaumnye..
hehe...tak tak,ku xmimpi, ini realiti....izzati mendekati monyet? hehe,,..cute2..nk peluk bobop
lagi buleh?
ermm....xkenal memang ku bukan pencinta monyet..suki na~!!

1 comment:

  1. comeynyo////

    hoho..loni sapo lagi comey??bobop ko noona??haha


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