Saturday, November 27, 2010



1.The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3.At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their
names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know
they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Name : izzati but i like ‘aiqha’ it’s an unique name
Sisters : I am the only one J
Brothers : 2 cute naughty lil boys
Shoe size : 6 kot...depend on shoe’s type n shape
Height : 155 cm? Pndek? Redha~
Where do you live : hye! I’m here I’me here [waving..waving]

Favourite drinks : juice

Favourite breakfast: French toast-egg

bahasa melayunye roti celup telur ^^

Have you ever been on a plane : rarely..usually we[family] like to take train even take hours to finish the trip
Swam in the ocean : xleyh float sgt..xreti ngat haha
Fallen asleep in school : school? Siap guling2 kt belakang kls
Broken someone’s heart : hermm..kalau ada ampun maaf dipinta, maaf ye
Fell off your chair : this remind me to asiah..haha
Saved e-mails : ??
What is your room like : room at college? Ask my roommate, room at home? Aww i like it!!!
What’s right beside you : there’s wall 2 metres from here
What is the last thing you ate : karipap 
Ever had chicken pox : yup.
Sore throat : rarely
Stitches : Alhamdulillah never
Broken nose : erk..never i guess

Do you believe in love at first sight : with Korean boybands ..o-yes!
Like picnics : with people I love! With 가족 [family] , 친구 [kawan]
Who was the last person you danced with : nobody, alone ..haha
Last made you smile : my pinky lappy
You last yelled at : lolo, our cat haha, he’s so funny yet naughty, friendly, HYPER-active
Talk to someone you like : hermm...jonghyun..heechul...never
Kissed anyone : kiss at cheek

Get sick : who got sick get alive
Talked to an ex : ex? He’s with someone else ...haha i don’t have ex.. He is refer to jonghyun my crush
Miss someone : ehem!
Best feeling in the world : when all what I feel is mix together like colours in rainbow arrange in order they look beautiful rather than appear with only single color.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: naah
Who do you really hate: idk idk,

Randoms :

Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: do I need to tell you?

Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: eyups.

Q: Do you smile often?
A: Let my friends answer this to you..haha

Q: Do you like your hand-writing?
A: looks messy

Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday?
A: get ready to the town [AGAIN]

Q: I can’t wait till
A: when this tag will come to end?

Q: When did you cry last?
A: no need to remember hahaha

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: i?

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: cat jer

Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
A: my them

Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
A: she's my hyung!

Q: Do you sleep with the TV on?
A: with lappy on YES, then she’ll fall asleep too

Q: What are you doing right now?
A: u can answer urself

Q: Have you ever crawled through a window?
A: aha...remind me to aiqha, amyra and jim boy

Q: Can you handle the truth?
A: insya’Allah

Q: Are you closer to your mother or father?
A: umie

Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
A: who?

Q: How many people can you say you’ve really loved?
A: love everybody

Q: Do you eat healthy?
A: at home naahh

Q: Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?
A: never take picture with him, distance separate us apart

Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
A: hee~

Q: If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
A: hug ina, my neighbour aka one of my beloved friends

Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
A: same as hyung kot..moderate

Q: Are you confident?
A: k.a.d.a.n.g-k.a.d.a.n.g

Q: 5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
-growing up
- trying to figure it out but it upset me
-trying to be happy
- molla molla

Q: 5 things on my to-do list today:
-shopping hehe
-Try to sew a dress

Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
- aww i like this question. Travel all around the world, visit beautiful place, beautiful mosque, spain, france, venice and of course MAKKAH
-the first answer cover all the answer i guess

Q: 5 of my bad habits:
- moody?
- sket2 laugh..gelak , smile
- xbape nak rajin..haishh
- org ckp feb kiddo suke rebel..btol k?
- degil

Q: 5 places I have lived in :
- pulau duyung, ganu
-Pasir putih, qelatey
-Kota bharu
-Chendering, ganu
-Kuala kangsar, perak

Q: 5 jobs I’ve had
- a good daughter to mother
-a good sis to lil bros
-a good friend to tomodachi chingu
-a good student [hahaha]
-i’m not a good servant yet, but i’ll try my best to it
5 people I tag:

I’d like to tag:

- syazni

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